Thursday, April 3, 2014

Happy30: Day 3

It's Thursday!!!  Almost the end of the work week and I am excited.  Sometimes you just have those weeks where you're ready for the weekend break.  Maybe that's every week for some people.  Haha.  Anyway, today's happy dose came in the form of retail therapy and ice cream.  I went shopping and it was awesome.  I'm not a marathon shopper like I used to be, no I pace myself to about 1-2 stores per shopping trip.  I mainly got summer dresses (j'adore dresses!), some cute spring tops, and lovely accessories.  I still want to get a few more items/looks to rock this season but this was a good start.  This trip was successful and happiness-inducing for the following:
  1. I'm down a couple sizes, indicating that work does pay off (at least at this particular department store, lol)
  2. It was not crowded
  3. They were playing awesome pop tunes (Rihanna- Pon de Replay and the like)
  4. They were playing the most beautiful and romantic ballad of 2013/2014 and other customers were singing.  I love when  people get lost in the moment and sing!  Which song?  Of course, "All of Me" by John Legend!  That song is so beautiful.  How wonderful to be in love like that!  It's going to be the date/wedding song of 2014. 
"All of Me" by John Legend
love, love, LOVE this song :-)

To end the afternoon, I treated myself to ice cream!  Fitness wise, that's absolutely not a part of my nutrition plan but you've gotta treat yourself sometimes!  The All Lovin' No Oven signature creation at Coldstone Creamery is on point and this staff is always so friendly and high energy.  Plus it was a fundraiser day, so a good treat and a good deed!

Today was a good day :-)  Can't wait to rock the new looks!

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