Monday, April 14, 2014

Happy30: Superfood Soup!

It's Monday!  A brand new work week.  Only 4 more days until Friday!  Just kidding.  Ever notice how we're all in such a rush to get to a certain day?  Time moves quickly enough on it's own that I'm not rushing anything!  It was another nice spring day, weather wise, and I had a smooth day at work and commute to and fro.  Today's special happy moment came courtesy of food.  Back in January, I made a superfood soup that included all lots of healthy goodness such as kale, butternut squash, and kidney beans among other things.  It was filling and also so tasty.  As I mentioned yesterday, I've been a bit off my nutrition game but this helped bring me back.  Feeling energized and well!  Ready to take on the rest of the week.  Take care!

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