Monday, April 7, 2014

Happy30: Barre is Back!

Day 7 of my Happy30!  Woo hoo!  So it's Monday and it rained all day.  Sounds like a recipe for a bad mood, right?  Wrong!  It wasn't a downpour and today marked the return of Barre class.  If you're not familiar with Barre, it's an exercise class based on the movements of ballet (you use a Barre) with a little bit of Pilates mixed in.  Oh, how I missed Barre!  It's a strength and toning class without the sweat!  Perfect if you're not heading home right away, which I definitely was not.  For one hour, it was awesome to just get away and get lost in the music and the toning.  My obliques and other muscles are on fire!  So that was today's happy moment, which is fitting because it was a release of endorphins.  A bonus moment was that I tried one of my favorite natural hair blogger/vlogger's hairstyles and it looked pretty good (before the rain and humidity set in).  Rain couldn't put a damper on my spirit even if it did on my curls.  Ha!  It's all about progress, though.  Natural (thick) hair can be hard to manage but it's the effort and attempts that will yield better results.  So as a part of my experimentation phase, not bad. Not bad at all.

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