Monday, April 7, 2014

Happy30: Days 5-6

So I didn't blog over the weekend but I still made mental notes of joyful moments.  By default, weekends are always happy because it's free time to relax, enjoy, and unwind. 

Saturday, April 5, 2014
Progress in play! Did another quick shopping trip and it truly is a confidence boost to see hard fitness work pay off.  I haven't reached my goal completely but I'm feeling good.  Perfect for spring!  I also had some good family time out, so that was also good.  Even if you see/speak to family regularly, it's nothing like spending some actual quality time with them.  That goes to all the important people in your life.  It's easy to say you appreciate but it's gotta be shown while you can.  And I did!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Downtown, pizza, and fundraising!  Now that's what I call an easy Sunday.  It was a sunny, beautiful spring day and I ventured to a neighborhood of the big city that I don't get over too often enough.  It's a spot that's quite eclectic and has one of my favorite coffee shops around.  Anyway, the venture was for a good cause.  A celebration for my sister and her colleagues for a commendation their organization received.  Plus there was pizza.  Now pizza spots abound but I will admit this pizza was pretty good.  Now, I'll have to go again to confirm but I might venture it's a top spot in the city.  Any pizza-loving takers?

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