Friday, April 4, 2014

Happy30: Day 4

It's Friday!!!!  So I'll keep this brief.  Ever meet people who just seem to radiate positive energy?  Well, I have!  This person always managing to maintain a joyful demeanor even when they have a million things happening. Graduate study, a family, work--can you say multitasker?  But somehow through all of the stress or challenges that those things individually or collectively can bring, this person doesn't lose their light-hearted, energetic and fun nature.  So awesome and inspirational!  No matter what we have to balance in life, it can be done and doesn't have to be horrible!  I want to do more than just appreciate what I have, I want to just enjoy my circumstances.  It's a journey that will have ups and downs but the goal is a cheerful disposition throughout it all.  After all, the energy you put out is what you get back in return, so which vibes do you want?  I am team positive all the way!

Happy Friday...xoxo

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