Thursday, February 27, 2014

A little bit of Mambo...

OK, I know I haven’t recently been speaking much about my fitness journey lately.  Not because I’ve not been working out but because I modified my routine due to my schedule and recovering from a mild injury.  It’s been great!  The cool thing about working out is that you don’t necessarily need the studio or gym experience.  That environment definitely helps but you can do it your own.  Thanks to the training I did in January,   I now know how to plank and squat jump properly.  LOL  Anyway, what prompted this post today is that I got to reconnect with of my favorite Zumba instructors today during my lunch hour.  It was awesome to be back in the mix of dancing full out (this location is by the far the most visually beautiful studio in DC that I’ve seen!).  My instructor (and others) even noticed my fitness progress.  Summer, here I come.  World, here I come.  Watch me work :-)  The whole point of this is no matter where you are in a journey, whether it’s achieving fitness goals like I’m doing or other aspirations, it’s okay to give yourself props.  Don’t get so focused and caught on the end goal that you don’t take note of the progress you are making.  In fact, it’s that progress that’s going to keep you motivated.   Not to mention, when you see that fat disappearing and muscle definition appearing or those clothes fitting differently, you are going to feel amazing--physically and mentally.  Goals are meant to be met and exceeded.  In the meantime, embrace the journey!

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