World Crush Alert!
Ici c’est Paris! Besides being the slogan I see in the stadium for football club Paris Saint-Germain (PSG), this is also how one would feel upon landing in Paris. Here is Paris! So, on last year’s European getaway, I spent the most time in Paris. Here’s a taste of my Parisian experience.
Let me begin by saying that though I was an American in Paris, I studied French for about 3 years between junior and senior high, so I knew I had bare minimum comprehension and vocab. But it’s a different story when you are in the moment and your sentences are choppy or you don’t quite know the word/phrase to say. Fortunately, the Parisians I encountered were nice! Yes, really they were! Personally, I think it's misunderstanding between Americans and the French. Like many European countries, France is more formal where America is more casual. Anyway, here's a tip: if you know nothing else, please greet anyone you’re speaking to with Bonjour/Bonsoir. Thank them by saying “Merci” and if you’re in desperate need of a translation ask “Parlez-vous Anglais?”. You should really try to learn more than that (there are tons of phrasebooks out there) but if not, at least know that much. Trust me. Another sidebar: My fellow Americans, please be patient with our fellow international tourists because when the shoe is on the other foot, you will be wanting that good and kindness karma!
Anyway, I stayed in a suburb of Paris, right by Disneyland. Before you wonder, I didn’t actually go to Disneyland. I was only there 2 days in Paris and had to try and fit in the Louvre, Tour Eiffel (Eiffel Tower), Notre Dame, Versailles, and of course a walk down Champs Elysee and shopping. Fashionista or not, you’ve gotta shop in Paris. It’s just a must. So, no time for Disneyland but hopefully next the time. Oh yes, as I'm finding in all cities, I really like train rides. Here are some pics:
External view |
Station guide |
Electronic display |
Train selfie! |
One of the few trains I saw that wasn't full (and I wasn't on)! |
The Louvre- I’ve have firsthand museum work experience and still consider myself a museum-head. Let me tell you, the Louvre is another level! Even if you’re not into art or history, the vast collections within the Louvre just might change that for you. I have a million photos from the collections but here is an exterior shot. I love architecture! If you want to hear more about the Louvre, just let me know :-)
Arc de Triomphe- This arch is iconic! Must take photo!

Avenue des Champs-Élysées- Every major internationally known fashion designer you can think of has a spot on the Champs-Élysées!

Tour Eiffel- Now you know full well that if you were to see nothing in Paris at all, you must see the Eiffel Tower! Interesting thing is that you can’t actually photograph it in its entirety while standing in front of it. I’m not sharing my secret spot but not far away, you can view the whole thing :-)

Dejeuner- Lunch! You need energy for all this sightseeing. Energy of the delicious variety :-) Don’t forget une boisson chaude (a hot beverage)!

Notre Dame + Seine River- Simply majestic, particularly after sunset.

Versailles- I could write a whole blog on Versailles but I was literally speechless at the sheer beauty and fact I WILL save that for a future blog. Stay tuned!
Overall, I had a blast in sweet Paris! It was a bit cold, winter after all, but I was feeling the vibe of the city. It's a huge city, so the hustle and bustle was real but just study your French and go in with an open mind. No pre-conceived notions! For my next go around, I’d love to really experience the city in spring or summer as well as feel the vibe of the night life. The trains were very similar to rush hour in USA’s big cities, which I could’ve done without :-) But wait, I did get to go to une supermarche (grocery store) and I even used a self-checkout. Yep, living the life already! Ha! Look below for a few snapshots…
Paris is known as the city of love, where maybe even an innocent, flirty encounter might occur. What was my experience? A lady never tells… ;-) Let’s just say, I’m definitely practicing my French and I definitely see Paris (and really France, overall) back in my future travels. Near future, perhaps? Time will tell...
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