This evening when driving after getting off from work, I decided to switch on the radio. Normally, I listen to my own tunes or constantly flip stations until I can find a snippet of something tolerable. Lately, that's been the Adult Contemporary R&B stations that play everything from classic Luther Vandross to today's Kem or Chrisette Michele. Anyway, I landed on my trusty R&B station and the host had rapper/actor/businessman/cool cat Ice Cube as a guest. Normally, I don't like to hear a lot of talking but Ice Cube's segment was cool and pretty brief. Music began to play. I realized the beat was a vintage R&B track, it was definitely hip-hop. When I realized what song it was, I realized one lyric summed up my Friday:
"Today was a Good Day"
As I bobbed my head to Cube's verses and reminiscing on how 90s music was the best, I began to reflect on my day. Work actually was a really cool day. It was a rainy Friday outside by my co-workers and I just really enjoyed each other's company. Conversations and jokes flowed, work was done (team work makes the dream work), it was simply laid back. I felt good about successfully setting up a video conference meeting and offering sound feedback and defending my position in group discussion. These may sound minor and they were minor...minor victories! It's good to sometimes just find the good in your day. Of course I have dreams, aspirations, etc but sometimes you just have to be in the present and appreciate the opportunity to smile and feel joy. Was the day perfect? Nope! But today was, in fact, a good day and I'll take that any day.
Until next post... much love. For this weekend, wishing you all simply a good day :-)
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