Every moment and experience is a piece to our life's puzzle. Live inspired, remain focused, love deeply, and when life gives you lemons, stay resilient!
Thursday, February 27, 2014
A little bit of Mambo...
OK, I know I haven’t recently been speaking much about my fitness journey lately. Not because I’ve not been working out but because I modified my routine due to my schedule and recovering from a mild injury. It’s been great! The cool thing about working out is that you don’t necessarily need the studio or gym experience. That environment definitely helps but you can do it your own. Thanks to the training I did in January, I now know how to plank and squat jump properly. LOL Anyway, what prompted this post today is that I got to reconnect with of my favorite Zumba instructors today during my lunch hour. It was awesome to be back in the mix of dancing full out (this location is by the far the most visually beautiful studio in DC that I’ve seen!). My instructor (and others) even noticed my fitness progress. Summer, here I come. World, here I come. Watch me work :-) The whole point of this is no matter where you are in a journey, whether it’s achieving fitness goals like I’m doing or other aspirations, it’s okay to give yourself props. Don’t get so focused and caught on the end goal that you don’t take note of the progress you are making. In fact, it’s that progress that’s going to keep you motivated. Not to mention, when you see that fat disappearing and muscle definition appearing or those clothes fitting differently, you are going to feel amazing--physically and mentally. Goals are meant to be met and exceeded. In the meantime, embrace the journey!
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Get Up!
Hey guys! It’s been a busy time within this past week. I attended my first professional seminar for work. It was a really awesome experience. I’ve done some development things in my professional life but never directly related to a field that I’m working in. The seminar was classroom format, the duration was for 2 days and the location was off-site (though only a train ride away) and I’d say it was just the change of pace I needed to get me recharged and even more enthusiastic with this field. I actually enjoyed the academic vibe, furiously taking notes and just being a student again. Sometimes, in addition to receiving knowledge and guidance, we just need that affirmation that we’re doing something right. Mentoring can come in many ways, from someone well-seasoned or from your peers. I had the pleasure of both. Experience gives way to wisdom and we’re all living and on a journey. Identify the positive and sincere people in your life and embrace them! Learn from them! I strongly encourage everyone to seek out development opportunities, both professionally and personally, even if you’re not quite where you’d like to be. We all have potential to be great and no matter what age, learning and gaining new skills is key to that. You’ve got to go for what you want and I believe you can do so with integrity! And with networking and support. “So get up, don’t sit back…”
Below is one of my favorite, up-tempo encouragement songs (it includes the lyric I quoted above). Listen closely. Enjoy!
Go forth and be inspired!
Friday, February 21, 2014
It Was a Good Day
This evening when driving after getting off from work, I decided to switch on the radio. Normally, I listen to my own tunes or constantly flip stations until I can find a snippet of something tolerable. Lately, that's been the Adult Contemporary R&B stations that play everything from classic Luther Vandross to today's Kem or Chrisette Michele. Anyway, I landed on my trusty R&B station and the host had rapper/actor/businessman/cool cat Ice Cube as a guest. Normally, I don't like to hear a lot of talking but Ice Cube's segment was cool and pretty brief. Music began to play. I realized the beat was a vintage R&B track, it was definitely hip-hop. When I realized what song it was, I realized one lyric summed up my Friday:
"Today was a Good Day"
As I bobbed my head to Cube's verses and reminiscing on how 90s music was the best, I began to reflect on my day. Work actually was a really cool day. It was a rainy Friday outside by my co-workers and I just really enjoyed each other's company. Conversations and jokes flowed, work was done (team work makes the dream work), it was simply laid back. I felt good about successfully setting up a video conference meeting and offering sound feedback and defending my position in group discussion. These may sound minor and they were minor...minor victories! It's good to sometimes just find the good in your day. Of course I have dreams, aspirations, etc but sometimes you just have to be in the present and appreciate the opportunity to smile and feel joy. Was the day perfect? Nope! But today was, in fact, a good day and I'll take that any day.
Until next post... much love. For this weekend, wishing you all simply a good day :-)
"Today was a Good Day"
As I bobbed my head to Cube's verses and reminiscing on how 90s music was the best, I began to reflect on my day. Work actually was a really cool day. It was a rainy Friday outside by my co-workers and I just really enjoyed each other's company. Conversations and jokes flowed, work was done (team work makes the dream work), it was simply laid back. I felt good about successfully setting up a video conference meeting and offering sound feedback and defending my position in group discussion. These may sound minor and they were minor...minor victories! It's good to sometimes just find the good in your day. Of course I have dreams, aspirations, etc but sometimes you just have to be in the present and appreciate the opportunity to smile and feel joy. Was the day perfect? Nope! But today was, in fact, a good day and I'll take that any day.
Until next post... much love. For this weekend, wishing you all simply a good day :-)
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Ici c’est Paris- Dec 2013
World Crush Alert!
Ici c’est Paris! Besides being the slogan I see in the stadium for football club Paris Saint-Germain (PSG), this is also how one would feel upon landing in Paris. Here is Paris! So, on last year’s European getaway, I spent the most time in Paris. Here’s a taste of my Parisian experience.
Let me begin by saying that though I was an American in Paris, I studied French for about 3 years between junior and senior high, so I knew I had bare minimum comprehension and vocab. But it’s a different story when you are in the moment and your sentences are choppy or you don’t quite know the word/phrase to say. Fortunately, the Parisians I encountered were nice! Yes, really they were! Personally, I think it's misunderstanding between Americans and the French. Like many European countries, France is more formal where America is more casual. Anyway, here's a tip: if you know nothing else, please greet anyone you’re speaking to with Bonjour/Bonsoir. Thank them by saying “Merci” and if you’re in desperate need of a translation ask “Parlez-vous Anglais?”. You should really try to learn more than that (there are tons of phrasebooks out there) but if not, at least know that much. Trust me. Another sidebar: My fellow Americans, please be patient with our fellow international tourists because when the shoe is on the other foot, you will be wanting that good and kindness karma!
Anyway, I stayed in a suburb of Paris, right by Disneyland. Before you wonder, I didn’t actually go to Disneyland. I was only there 2 days in Paris and had to try and fit in the Louvre, Tour Eiffel (Eiffel Tower), Notre Dame, Versailles, and of course a walk down Champs Elysee and shopping. Fashionista or not, you’ve gotta shop in Paris. It’s just a must. So, no time for Disneyland but hopefully next the time. Oh yes, as I'm finding in all cities, I really like train rides. Here are some pics:
External view |
Station guide |
Electronic display |
Train selfie! |
One of the few trains I saw that wasn't full (and I wasn't on)! |
The Louvre- I’ve have firsthand museum work experience and still consider myself a museum-head. Let me tell you, the Louvre is another level! Even if you’re not into art or history, the vast collections within the Louvre just might change that for you. I have a million photos from the collections but here is an exterior shot. I love architecture! If you want to hear more about the Louvre, just let me know :-)
Arc de Triomphe- This arch is iconic! Must take photo!

Avenue des Champs-Élysées- Every major internationally known fashion designer you can think of has a spot on the Champs-Élysées!

Tour Eiffel- Now you know full well that if you were to see nothing in Paris at all, you must see the Eiffel Tower! Interesting thing is that you can’t actually photograph it in its entirety while standing in front of it. I’m not sharing my secret spot but not far away, you can view the whole thing :-)

Dejeuner- Lunch! You need energy for all this sightseeing. Energy of the delicious variety :-) Don’t forget une boisson chaude (a hot beverage)!

Notre Dame + Seine River- Simply majestic, particularly after sunset.

Versailles- I could write a whole blog on Versailles but I was literally speechless at the sheer beauty and magnitude...in fact I WILL save that for a future blog. Stay tuned!
Overall, I had a blast in sweet Paris! It was a bit cold, winter after all, but I was feeling the vibe of the city. It's a huge city, so the hustle and bustle was real but just study your French and go in with an open mind. No pre-conceived notions! For my next go around, I’d love to really experience the city in spring or summer as well as feel the vibe of the night life. The trains were very similar to rush hour in USA’s big cities, which I could’ve done without :-) But wait, I did get to go to une supermarche (grocery store) and I even used a self-checkout. Yep, living the life already! Ha! Look below for a few snapshots…
Paris is known as the city of love, where maybe even an innocent, flirty encounter might occur. What was my experience? A lady never tells… ;-) Let’s just say, I’m definitely practicing my French and I definitely see Paris (and really France, overall) back in my future travels. Near future, perhaps? Time will tell...
As always, if you like what you're reading, leave it in a comment :-)
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Paris Nights and New York Mornings
Greetings! It's Tuesday! Exciting, right? Hmm... Personally, I think that Tuesday is more difficult than Monday. Your work/school week has resumed but it's day 2 of 5 (as opposed to say 3, 4, or 5 of 5), so it still feels like the weekend is ages away. Even on a 3 day holiday weekend like I just had. Even more so when winter isn't quite ready to give way to spring! So how do we survive?! Well, besides praying, saying positive affirmations and making prioritization lists, I like to put on my headphones at my desk at work and just groove as I get through the day. I also like to take mental breaks and daydream about world travel. I want to see the world and the number of places to see grows daily! On my way in to work today, I had my iPod on shuffle and one of my favorite songs came on by one of my favorite artists, UK musician Corinne Bailey Rae. It totally combines my musical affinity + world travel desire. What song is it?! Why, it's "Paris Nights and New York Mornings"! I've kindly included the video below for your viewing pleasure:
I just love the concept of this song. Can you imagine an adventurous night (perhaps a romantic rendezvous) in Paris and then waking up in the cool city of New York? Though I can only count on one hand the number of times I've visited either cities, I just love the vibe of both. You'll probably see those cities appear in a world crush feature VERY soon (so stay tuned!). But really, just imagine it. Taking a cruise on the Seine River at night (which you can do and hit all the tourist sights, I'll include those links in my Paris feature), walking down the illuminated Avenue des Champs-Élysées, embracing the sacred history of the historic Notre Dame, taking in the local night charm or dancing away in the night life, Paris is that city where romance, history, and an almost calm ambiance unite!
Let's take it over to New York. I really like NYC. Central Park. All the beautiful attractions. Coffee shops. Finding non-touristy hot spots. The fast pace. Sigh! J'adore Paris et NYC. Take me away, stat! Anyway, enough babbling (and the fact that it's taking entirely too long to get this blog published!). Corinne Bailey Rae is an incredible artist and musician, so if you ever need a song to fill in your life's soundtrack, be sure to check her out! I won't link to all of her YouTube clips but here a few performances:
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/corinnebaileyrae
Official Web: http://corinnebaileyrae.com/
Twitter: @CorinneBRae
Paris Nights and New York Mornings (video) by Corinne Bailey Rae
Album: The Sea
I just love the concept of this song. Can you imagine an adventurous night (perhaps a romantic rendezvous) in Paris and then waking up in the cool city of New York? Though I can only count on one hand the number of times I've visited either cities, I just love the vibe of both. You'll probably see those cities appear in a world crush feature VERY soon (so stay tuned!). But really, just imagine it. Taking a cruise on the Seine River at night (which you can do and hit all the tourist sights, I'll include those links in my Paris feature), walking down the illuminated Avenue des Champs-Élysées, embracing the sacred history of the historic Notre Dame, taking in the local night charm or dancing away in the night life, Paris is that city where romance, history, and an almost calm ambiance unite!
Let's take it over to New York. I really like NYC. Central Park. All the beautiful attractions. Coffee shops. Finding non-touristy hot spots. The fast pace. Sigh! J'adore Paris et NYC. Take me away, stat! Anyway, enough babbling (and the fact that it's taking entirely too long to get this blog published!). Corinne Bailey Rae is an incredible artist and musician, so if you ever need a song to fill in your life's soundtrack, be sure to check her out! I won't link to all of her YouTube clips but here a few performances:
Paris Nights and New York Mornings - live in Williamsburg
Bonus: Another favorite video of mine: I'd Like To- Corinne Bailey Rae (video)
Sidenote: I just ADORE Corinne's hair! My hair crush :-)
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/corinnebaileyrae
Official Web: http://corinnebaileyrae.com/
Twitter: @CorinneBRae
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Saturday Night Vibes
So it's Saturday night and I'm not at a lounge or a club! Now, if you know me, that's totally NOT a surprise. Haha, you could say I'm more of the low-key, just chill type. While that is my general vibe, it's also winter. Somehow getting dolled up just seems easier when it's warmer. Plus I just love daylight, so spring and summer tend to be the times when I'm game for more of the evening/night-ish life. But I can't be the only one right? I feel like social media is deceptive (well actually it's completely deceptive) because people only tend to post when they're shining or having a really great time. At least that's my approach and those of my friends/followers/etc on these networks. My guess is there are more people actually just relaxing and staying IN versus going out. Just a hunch! Now, I know many of my connects are married or parents now, so there isn't really that desire to party like before. But what about the single peeps like me? Am I the only one in relax mode?
Well, even if I am, it's fine by me. Last year, I started reading "Life, Love, and a Dash of Sass" by Mandy Hale and it's been eye-opening. Known as "The Single Woman", Hale's book is such a well-crafted message about self-love. A lot of single-girl books tend to try to give you tips on how to get a new guy or even straight up male bash. Not this book! It's totally about loving and improving yourself and NOT worrying about finding the next guy/future boyfriend/husband, etc. and I dig that 100%. As I mentioned, I am single and it's not a negative. You need to love and appreciate your own company before anyone else will. A guy doesn't define me anymore than a job or a car or any material possession would. I'm all about that self-loving, happy and healthy life! I strongly encourage all women to read it since getting over breakups (even if you initiated it) are tough. There's light at the end of the tunnel and just like your story isn't defined by a relationship, that's not the end either.
So how am I feeling? Great! I've been working on that healthier me. I've been eating better (no chocolate, pity party binges over here), working out (the best way to clear your head), taking up new interests (studying French almost daily now!) and most importantly, being more positive and loving the things that make me...ME! Just because people don't see your bright qualities doesn't mean they don't exist. Duh! So, shine bright for you! This is not about karma or making somebody regret what they lost by not cherishing you. Their loss is YOUR gain for the future and as my girl Natasha Bedingfield so beautifully sings "the rest is still unwritten." So chin up and if you're flying solo at home on this Saturday, rest assured, you're not the only one!
P.S. If you're liking what you're reading or have any feedback, comments are welcome :-)
Well, even if I am, it's fine by me. Last year, I started reading "Life, Love, and a Dash of Sass" by Mandy Hale and it's been eye-opening. Known as "The Single Woman", Hale's book is such a well-crafted message about self-love. A lot of single-girl books tend to try to give you tips on how to get a new guy or even straight up male bash. Not this book! It's totally about loving and improving yourself and NOT worrying about finding the next guy/future boyfriend/husband, etc. and I dig that 100%. As I mentioned, I am single and it's not a negative. You need to love and appreciate your own company before anyone else will. A guy doesn't define me anymore than a job or a car or any material possession would. I'm all about that self-loving, happy and healthy life! I strongly encourage all women to read it since getting over breakups (even if you initiated it) are tough. There's light at the end of the tunnel and just like your story isn't defined by a relationship, that's not the end either.
So how am I feeling? Great! I've been working on that healthier me. I've been eating better (no chocolate, pity party binges over here), working out (the best way to clear your head), taking up new interests (studying French almost daily now!) and most importantly, being more positive and loving the things that make me...ME! Just because people don't see your bright qualities doesn't mean they don't exist. Duh! So, shine bright for you! This is not about karma or making somebody regret what they lost by not cherishing you. Their loss is YOUR gain for the future and as my girl Natasha Bedingfield so beautifully sings "the rest is still unwritten." So chin up and if you're flying solo at home on this Saturday, rest assured, you're not the only one!
Natasha Bedingfield- Single (from the album "Unwritten")
P.S. If you're liking what you're reading or have any feedback, comments are welcome :-)
Friday, February 14, 2014
It's here! Valentine's Day
February 14th. Perhaps one of the most stressful days of the year for some people. A day that is supposed to symbolize love yet is often met with such derision and hate. So what’s the deal?! My theory is that some ladies like this day because they like to feel *extra* special. The sales industry sides with that theory what with all the flowers, cards, candy, bears, balloons, and romantic date offerings. Some guys don’t like this day because it seems like a lot of work and it feels more obligatory than romance. I can understand that point, though I think it’s all in perspective. My take? Personally, I don’t mind Valentine’s Day. Sure, it’s a show-and-tell type of affair but that can work a couple ways. 1) Showing off and telling of all the tokens of love you’ve received or 2) Showing and telling your mate what they mean to you. I like the latter. I also don’t think it should just be guys doing everything for the ladies. Years ago, I actually planned a really nice evening (not in a restaurant) for my ex-bf only to be stood up (hence the word ex). Quick sidebar: Ladies, if he’s not even calling you on that day as he normally would, please pause. The signs of cheating are usually there and it starts with “baby” lies and disappearing acts just like that. Not saying that’s always the case but well, sometimes actions speak louder than words. You live and you learn!
But I digress! I think V-Day should be a day of love and affection for the pair of you using all of the “commercialized” tools afforded to you. If you’re against the restaurant idea (personally, I’m not a fan because it’s often crowded and overly expensive for underwhelming cuisine), than why not have a nice lunch/dinner together at home? A card speaks a 1,000 words yet is so inexpensive. I think guys who use the excuse “it’s too commercial” only get a pass if they treat their woman special throughout the year (which they should be, don’t settle for less!). In fact, I’d rather have a surprise, special day with my mate on March 17th (or any random date) than Feb 14th because of the fact it’s unexpected BUT a card on V-Day is still sweet and really doesn’t require much. Just the ability to select a card, buy the card and seal an envelope!
As for the whole S.A.D. (Singles Awareness Day) thing, I say bump that! There’s nothing to be sad about. Live your life as normal. If you’re single on this day, so what? Yes, you will see more displays than usual but if I felt bad every time I saw happy couples, I’d be wallowing. Know that if you go out to a restaurant on Valentine’s Day, there will be more couples than usual. So either skip that scene or go out with your friends instead. Galentines/Palentines come to mind! I can guarantee you might actually be having more fun than some of these couples. Another thing, don’t go dressing in black. Why should you be toned down? Rock your favorite beautiful colors. If red is it, then go for it!
Happy Valentine’s Day. Happy Friday. Happy Feb 14th. Happy normal day. Whatever today means to you, just be happy!
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Ice Cream Everyday: How Sweet It Is!
Tuesday is the day that new music is released in the U.S., so I’ve decided to make this a day that I spotlight some good tunes that I enjoy. It likely won’t be a new release, as I like to enjoy some music for a good while before giving it a grade so to speak.
The spotlight today is on a relatively new release from my girl Amel Larrieux. I ADORE Amel and musically, she can’t steer me wrong. I’ve been a massive fan since ‘95 and the Groove Theory duo days (90s R&B was some of THE best) and her previous solo albums (Infinite Possibilities, Bravebird, Morning, Lovely Standards) and every other musical release or collaboration she’s been a part of. She is like musical poetry, singing about the news, the blues, and simply: LIFE. Her album Infinite Possibilities still remains my soul's "perspective soundtrack" to this day. Fast forward to now and her latest album “Ice Cream Everyday” is out in all formats now and I’d say you definitely should check it out! If you want an album that you can just play all the way through while you’re working, chilling, driving, whatever, this is it!
Lyrically, I love that Amel just sings about life! Whether it’s love in all it’s forms or experiences that comprise our lives, perspectives, and being, the messages are relatable and truly about life. Amel and her team capture it all so beautifully. Oh and that voice and delivery! So sweet yet powerful and poetic!
Records are hot but Amel herself is simply incredible LIVE! She is such an engaging artist and musician and she fully allows the audience to see her personality, which is so awesomely cool by the way. I’ve had the opportunity to see her live and can definitely attest. It’s a true musically experience. Amel, you’re the truth! She’s on tour now, so if you’ve got the opportunity, definitely check her out! For my DC lovebirds, she will be at The Howard Theater on Friday, February 14 for two shows!
Get connected with Amel here:
Twitter: @amellarrieux
Team Blisslife on Twitter: Team BlissLife
The spotlight today is on a relatively new release from my girl Amel Larrieux. I ADORE Amel and musically, she can’t steer me wrong. I’ve been a massive fan since ‘95 and the Groove Theory duo days (90s R&B was some of THE best) and her previous solo albums (Infinite Possibilities, Bravebird, Morning, Lovely Standards) and every other musical release or collaboration she’s been a part of. She is like musical poetry, singing about the news, the blues, and simply: LIFE. Her album Infinite Possibilities still remains my soul's "perspective soundtrack" to this day. Fast forward to now and her latest album “Ice Cream Everyday” is out in all formats now and I’d say you definitely should check it out! If you want an album that you can just play all the way through while you’re working, chilling, driving, whatever, this is it!
Lead single “Afraid” is just too cool. Detailing the rush of emotions you feel when you first meet someone and feel that butterflies-i think i’m in love-i see nobody but us- feeling, this song is beautifully crafted whether you are in love, out of love, or in-between. It’s mid-tempo and certainly has that soulful Adult Contemporary vibe. “Wherever you are is wherever I have to be..” I know I’ve definitely felt that feeling before. Ahh, the memories ;-) Check it out here:
Also included in my top 5 favorite tracks (it was tough to pick a top 5):
You Don’t See Me (words can not describe how much I love this song!!! Can we say my love life? Ha!)
Moment to Reflect (if only we all did that before acting/reacting)
Ur the Shhh
A Million Sapphires
I Do Take (that unconditional love...yes!)
I Do Take (that unconditional love...yes!)
Don't Let Me Down (I know that's 7 songs but technically this was a single before the album release and really how I feel...so listen up gentlemen!)
Records are hot but Amel herself is simply incredible LIVE! She is such an engaging artist and musician and she fully allows the audience to see her personality, which is so awesomely cool by the way. I’ve had the opportunity to see her live and can definitely attest. It’s a true musically experience. Amel, you’re the truth! She’s on tour now, so if you’ve got the opportunity, definitely check her out! For my DC lovebirds, she will be at The Howard Theater on Friday, February 14 for two shows!
Here’s a throwback photo when I attended a show almost 4 years ago and I got to meet this very beautiful lady. Sidebar: I can’t believe it’s been that long. Don't laugh at my attire. Shout out to the early days of my natural hair journey/transitioning phase!
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2010 in VA! I had a blast and Amel was so kind to take this photo with me :-) |
Much love, respect, and blessings to Amel, her family and Team Blisslife!
Get connected with Amel here:
Twitter: @amellarrieux
Team Blisslife on Twitter: Team BlissLife
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2013- Ice Cream Every Day |
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2007- Lovely Standards |
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2006- Morning |
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2004- Bravebird |
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2000- Infinite Possibilities |
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Travel Retrospect: London
Why the adoration for London (and England) prior to visiting? Let me count the ways! As a youngster, I always *tried* to emulate the British accent. I thought I sounded pretty good but something tells me not to actually try testing that accent. So there’s that. Additionally, some of my favorite pop artists are from the UK: Sugababes, Craig David, Alesha Dixon, Leona Lewis, Jay Sean, and Jamelia just to name a few. Not to mention my favorite soul acts like Corinne Bailey Rae, Adele, Emeli Sande, Amy Winehouse and the incomparable Sade! If the music weren’t enough, I’ve always admired the diversity within the culture. It’s not all about black and white. The blend is incredible! With my West African roots, I’ll always have an appreciate for the acceptance of so many cultures. Last, but absolutely not least, football!!! Y’all know I love football (or soccer as it is in the U.S.) and my favorite league is England’s Premier League. While I’m so thankful to have cable access to watch matches, I love that football in England (like so many other countries across the globe) reigns supreme. Like I bet I could strike up a conversation about it just walking around. Do I sound like a fan yet?
Now don’t get me wrong, everything I just mentioned is all good and well, but nothing compares to actually being there. So I had the opportunity to spend about 2 days in London--not nearly as long as I would have wanted (clearly!) but enough for me to finally walk the streets (and ride the tube) and get a taste. So what was my “appetizer” journey like? Read on…
So my European getaway began with an early arrival (and I do mean early) at London’s famed Heathrow Airport. Bleary-eyed as I was, I was finally here! After clearing all the procedural entry tasks inside the airport, I had my first opportunity to buy a train ticket (in GBP or pounds, for my layfolk) to take me into the town. First stop, Paddington Station for a proper English breakfast!
That first day I was extremely jet lagged as I basically did not sleep on that 7.5 hour flight, so the big highlight was lots of tube riding. What’s the tube? Why it is only the cool British way to say the subway or metro rail. The first time I spotted a tube map, I was extremely confused but by the end of my time there, it all made sense. Seriously, it’s really not too bad. Just pay attention and ask for help before entering the system. Because, like any major city in the U.S. (and in Paris as I learned), when it’s rush hour, people have places TO GO. You don’t want to be that person standing around helplessly while people are rushing about, do you? So just study the map and ask ahead of entering and you’ll be fine and in chill mode as I was…
OK, I’m not going to give you a rundown of each step I took because as I said my trip was abbreviated. Here are some highlights (and photos):
Tourist attractions: River Thames, London Eye, London Pier, London Bridge
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London Eye |
London Pier ...I love this city!
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London Bridge |
Harrods: I could have an entire post all about Harrods. My goodness, where do I even begin? Just a few snippets of winter time at Harrods.

Holiday market:
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It's not a winter holiday without Gingerbread! |
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Yum! |
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Possibly the largest Wok ever? P.S. The guy serving was so sweet :-) Hey Poland! |
Random sights that made me smile:
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Into the Underground we go! |
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Busy streets, bustling buses |
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Beautiful sunset on a December evening |
Now for all the fun I had there is still more on my list. Not complaining because that is what next trips are for! I’m just so thankful for the opportunity to finally have gotten to go to London. There is lots on my wish list including going to a live music concert/show and of course a football match. Arsenal F.C. baby! Gunners #1 :-)
Until we meet again London, stay charming!
Until we meet again London, stay charming!
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
The struggle, the progress
Transformation Tuesday!
“Without a struggle, there can be no progress.” - Frederick Douglass
I saw this quote on Instagram this morning and thought about how applicable it really is to our lives. In anything that you wish to move upward to, a career, better health, etc., it often takes a bit of struggle, rejection, extra perseverance or all of the above. For this post, the way this quote relates is on my healthy makeover journey.
So as I told you previously, this year is the year of difference. I’m finally ready to be truly confident and let my voice be heard! One way is to improve my health and also get more fit. I’m encouraged because I’m already seeing the progress! I’ve shed a few pounds, my clothes fit differently, I have more energy, my attitude and outlook have improved dramatically. I can also feel the abs and oblique muscles taking shape and that definitely makes me happy! Even if no one else sees it *YET*, I see it and that’s certainly motivation for me to keep going. So OK, that’s the progress. What’s the struggle, you ask? Those darn jump lunges, burpees, high knees, and squat jumps, to name a few! LOL Clearly I’ve still not made complete peace with those just yet. I’m getting better at pushing my body through these training sessions but let me tell you, it’s not easy. When those muscles start burning and my mind realizes that there’s only 15 more seconds or only 10 more reps to go, it seems like I falter. But will I give up? Absolutely not! Because no struggle, no progress.
No matter what you’re pushing through, just know that the struggle means you’re getting that much closer to your goal. Stay motivated and affirm that YOU CAN DO THIS!
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