Monday, March 16, 2015

Less Attitude, More Gratitude

Hello my dear readers!

Today I found myself beginning to throw a pity party despite my best efforts not to.  I woke up with prayer and positive vibes and what do you know? Before I even began the busiest part of my day, negativity started to creep in.  I shared some of these thoughts with a family member who listened briefly and then asked "What are you doing to better the situation?"  Don't you just love family members and friends who keep you in check? :-)  But it got me thinking on how easy it is to complain and complain while not trying as hard as we can be.  When it comes to the things I was complaining about, I have been trying and patience is half the battle.  However, if I look carefully, I haven't truly been devoting all of my resources and energy to making things better, so ultimately I could be doing a lot more.  There are many things in life that you can't control, require perseverance or are at times unfair.  However, what most motivational speakers and authors will tell you is that you must keep working harder.  It may seem like you have to work so much harder than others and maybe you do, maybe you don't.  In any event, you've got to work to enhance that which you can control!

So what can one do to better a situation?  Every case is different but I think my points below best refer to working towards a goal.

1) Go all in It sounds simple and it should be but believe me it's not so easy!  Whether it's the new gig you want, the healthy lifestyle/image you want, or whatever, you truly have to work hard.  I've been reading blogs and articles of people who've attained things that I dream of and the number one thing they had in common?  They were relentless in going for it.  For example, if you want to make a dream your lifestyle, you can't just wish for it or put some energy into it, you've go to go all in!  That may require some creativity but you just have to be willing to work hard and for a long period of time.  Nothing worthwhile comes in a day!

2) Be patient- Whoever said that patience is a virtue was not joking!  Doors close and they remain closed and sometimes it doesn't make sense for a long time, if at all.  Through it all, exercise trust that your good intentions will be rewarded and remain calm.  Brighter days will come!

3) Have gratitude-  Being thankful for what you do have while working towards what you want can be challenging.  However, I believe that appreciation spawns better energy and greater opportunities.  If you sulk and complain daily, you are not only putting out negative vibes but you're likely also stressing and affecting your health negatively. 

I hope this helps!  Remember, it's impossible not to complain or feel bad when things don't go right.  It's natural.  The point is don't stay there!

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