Something about saying that year just seems different. I know, I know. The coolness factor of saying a two-thousand year has been out since...2000 or 2010, right? But for me personally, this year truly feels different, like the year of something exciting. And it’s not just because this is the year of the World Cup in Brazil. Yay! It’s something greater, like I feel that I can finally just break out free from all of the invisible chains. The cynics out there would probably say I’m still under the illusion of “January/New Year/resolution” thinking but I beg to differ! You see, for me some of my excitement over 2014 stems from experiences in 2013. Allow me to explain…
Last year was a bit of a rollercoaster in some ways. I experienced highs and lows. I had some new experiences, reconnected with some people, and towards the end gained new determination and clarity of goals. On the flip side, I saw friendships weaken and practically dissolve. I experienced some stressful times that I had to manage though the aspects of which were beyond my control. At times, I felt betrayed, used, alone, frustrated, and just tired. But through all of that are lessons. When it comes to people, we are all subject to change. I’ve learned that you just have to let it be. Life is all about timing. We have to be ready for friendships, relationships, love, opportunity, and change in general. Sometimes in order to say hello to the next phase, you have to say goodbye to the old and be ready. That doesn’t mean close yourself off in fear of feeling pain. Life is also about experience. Personally, I took some chances and dove in 100% and quite frankly failed. But so what? Would you rather be guarded and live 50% or give 100% effort, love, etc.? I know which one I’d choose. Again, experience and timing. Sometimes things happen the way they do because they are preparing you for something better. If that’s the case you’ve got to be READY.
Speaking of ready, people who know me well know that I’ve always *wanted* to travel. Well after years (and I mean years) of European dreamin’, I finally did it! Talk about a highlight! London! Paris! Nice! Monaco! Are you kidding me? For someone who’s never even been to California, I got on a 7+ hour flight to London. Seriously?! It may sound cliche but the trip was very eye-opening. Not in the sense of experiencing different cultures but in terms of how far I’ve come in terms of personal growth. I toured things on my own, muddled through currency exchanges and semi-language barriers. Now I want to travel to even more places! I highly recommend going abroad. I will write a separate post about my travels because I’m just that excited still!
Anyway, the low of heartache and the high of global travel and the determination to make this my year, I honestly feel ready to run free, let my voice be heard, and shine BRIGHT! So follow me on my journey towards better health, happiness, living purposefully and everything in between. I’m stepping up my Twitter game (@ImSoResilient) and finally getting into this decade w/all the social media. And yes, I WILL be consistently blogging this year. Get excited :-)
What will 2014 bring? That new opportunity you’ve been craving? Getting into the best shape of your life? New friendships? The love of your life? Something wonderful you’re not even expecting? Nobody can truly say but optimistically speaking, will you truly be ready?
Cheers! Happy New Year! To quote Zumba's new slogan, guilt is so 2013. Indulge in 2014!
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