Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Reintroduction of Sorts...

Hello world.

This is a reintroduction of sorts since I'm merging a couple old blogs into this one. After letting previous blogs slip, I've decided to give this another shot. Whereas my previous blogs had a specific focus, this one's just about my life. Sometimes I feel like I'm just wading through the ocean of life.  I'm at a pinnacle age in my 20s where I'm supposed to have everything together or be well on my way.  However, I feel like I'm at the bottom of the hill just looking up--in career, love, and overall life.

A few weeks ago I made a decision to pause and reevaluate my life.  Needless to say, a few short weeks later I'm already panicking and feeling the angst of where to go next.  Things are pretty much at a standstill (or so it seems) and while I generally try to keep a positive mindset it's hard out here.

The road to resiliency continues....

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