For the things men have an advantage on—workplace pay being the biggest—we women have always had one thing in our arsenal. The power to be fabulous at a moment’s notice. Now it is true that this fabulousity comes with the downsides of cute stilettos that slowly murder your feet, the pressure to look sleek and trim but nonetheless it’s a power all our own!
Or is it? So we’ve all heard about the phenomenon of “metrosexuality” but even the most masculine of men is starting to get it. Grooming is unisex! Then came “manscaping”, the process of manicures, waxes (facial and otherwise), and even dabbles with makeup (guyliner anyone?)—basically what we females have been doing since forever. The fashion-senses have also been awakened and more and more guys aren’t just grabbing any old t-shirt, they’re heading to department stores, Express Men (love their men’s collection), other specialty stores, and getting things tailored to achieve a more fashionable version of their look.
However, I just read in The Washington Post something that made my mind spin. MAN SPANX. Spanx for MEN. Huh? Did a double-take but then I realized it makes complete sense. We all know how much attention (grr) is paid to women’s bodies and the all-too familiar comparison to some body part of a Hollywood starlet. Isn’t it time for some sweet revenge? If we have to tuck things in and look slim, so should you (looking at you fellas). A potbelly is only cool if you’re talking about the sandwich shop and moobs (more commonly referred to as man-boobs) are never hot! Repeat: THEY ARE NEVER GOING TO BE IN. Unless you have a condition, in that case, we don’t discriminate.
Spanx for men are basically designed to do what they do for women. Tuck and hide. For me, Spanx definitely can refine a look and give that extra little boost of confidence. We all know the popularity for women but it’s refreshing to see that guys are flocking to stores (think Neiman-Marcus, though it will only be a matter of time before they’re everywhere) taking that step to tuck and hide versus the all too common “let it go” look. The Spanx are called Compression T-Shirts and they remind me of Under Armour except it’s not gym activewear. Oh and in case you thought it was only for guys with guts—nope it’s for you muscular guys who need to fit into trendy suits. Guys, we (or at least I) will love you for taking that step. It shows you care just as much as I do about personal appearance. No shame, boys, no shame!
Real men wear pink (and other pastel tones)? Sure. Real men wear Spanx? Absolutely!
The Washington Post article (The writer breaks down this phenomenon and includes a slideshow):
Man Spanx website:
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